after knitting my last dish cloth, a week of constant pain, and a jump over fear, a doctor's visit was required. this was the doctor's diagnosis- De Quervain's Disease aka tendonitis.

his recommendations: cease and desist my knitting, cross stitch, and computer use. I have to be honest...while, an initial tidal wave of fear rushed through my body, I'm now anticipating a month of exploring new and renewed relationship builders and crafts, while I let my finger heal. know that I'm thinking of you and will visit you when I can.
today we're experiencing heavy snow, a day off school and some baking. I hope you have some flakes too!
Oh Kristyn! I'm so sorry to hear about your finger (and about all the restricted activities)! Your optimism is just delightful ... I can't wait to hear about your new adventures.
Oh girl...sorry your thumb is causing so much trouble. I think you've got a great attitude though and I'm certain that you'll fill your days with much craftiness (it's in your blood). Hey, this could be a great sewing block of time for you. And I'm certain that this diagnosis also means NO your guys will have to take that over for you. (ah looky there...more time to sew!) And of course, I'm always available for phone talking...that requires no thumb usage at all! get better girl.
So sorry about the tendonitis! I remember having that constant pain back when all my babies were portable--there's a reason it's called "mommy thumb"! Stay warm and cozy in the snow. We're home again--we got freezing rain this go-round.
I'm so sorry...but every closed door means a new one opens. Heal and explore! I have had tendonitis and actually get it easily, so I understand.
on one hand (i couldn't resist), this thing makes me very sad. i know first-hand how much knitting and stitching feed your soul, and allow you to share your heart with others. but i also know your spirit. and have watched it overcome things much bigger than this. and i am confident that God knows your desire to share your heart and talents with others, and will open new or renewed ways to do it. praying for you today, and available to you every day to do what i can to support you as you heal.
love you, sweet!
You have a great attitude! Praying for you
I'm so sorry you have a painful hand. You have a very positive attitude, I hope you heal quickly meanwhile please keep blogging a bit!
Oh dear! I'm so sorry, but so glad it's a temporary thing? Get better soon and enjoy your pretty snow days.
So sorry to hear about your hand. I will miss your posts and encouragement. But change is good - who knows what you'll find to do in this predicament. I'll look forward to hearing what new things develop.
Hi Kristyn,
Sorry to hear about your pain & tendonitis. I am praying that you will feel better soon.
I hope God will use this down time to strengthen your heart in Him, maybe with some great devotional reading & prayer time. WE all need a rest every now and then.
I hope you are enjoying the snow days full of baking! Stay safe and warm.
XOXO Gloria
No knitting? oh my gosh, I don't know what I'd do! well, read probably, but still... hope yours heals soon.
Oh Kristyn :( My heart pains for you. I am so sorry for your hurting hands. I too though, love your positivity and strength.
You are a strong woman :)
Wow. Crafting can really be dangerous. I'm so sorry. Look at it this way....February is a short a month! Take care.
So sorry.........just gather all your knitting books and consider all the projects you can plan to make when your hand is better.........and of course there's always sewing.
take care, florrie x
Kristyn, so sorry about your thumb. I had carpal tunnel with all three pregnancies and couldn't knit or sew for my babes - it's the pits! But with your upbeat attitude I know that you will use this time to watch more movies, take more walks, read more books, bake more cookies, play more board games ...this isn't sounding so bad!
I owe you an email, crafty lady! Thank you so much! you are the best!
So sorry about your thumb. Great attitude! I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself reading,watching movies, and maybe sewing (will that hurt?). I am wishing a very restful month to heal.
Oh K.
Please get better soon. I'll miss you too much.
Prayers your way. I do hope you enjoy the snow. We finally got a little dusting. I was so happy!!
Feel better soon.
Love & xx.
P.S. Would you tell Mark hi for me? He's such a great guy.
Sorry to hear about your pain, it's not fun when the pains make us have to stop the things we like, but at least this may just be temporary and with some moderation you can still do all those things you love. For now I'm glad to hear you will be embracing some new hobbies. Hope you feel better soon!
oh no!!! SO sorry!!!
i do love how you turned it around! it's a great way to look at it... and the only way, really! enjoy your time while you heal. reading and snuggling are always good!
sorry about your finger hope it heals soon
i hope you recover quickly! take it easy. i'm sure you'll find plenty of creative endeavors to keep you busy.
Whenever I pick up the book, Creative is a Verb by Patti Digh, for a little inspiration and a joyful laugh, I'm reminded of you. I would say it is most definitely how you live your life. Although not an easy diagnosis, perhaps your body is simply asking for your attention. Relationship to self is also critically important and allows us to give more freely.
This will be a beautiful time for you!
Sending wishes of healing...Ana
P.S., And thank you for your note. It's been a bit crazy here in my life since the holidays. Demands call my attention away from my sewing, in particular. Fortunately there are many ways to live inspired...such as spending a little time visiting with friends to hear their thoughts, learn from their journey.
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