Friday, January 9, 2009

waiting for inspiration

I've been waiting to come to this space when I was inspired and had something wonderful to say. I guess if I wait until that happens, I won't be here very much. life is happening...I've been busy getting back to what is our routine.
:: I took down and packed away all the Christmas decorations. {I think we'll put up less next year.}
:: I did loads of laundry. {I completed it all this week; trying not to do laundry on the weekends.}
:: I cleaned and purged rooms to re-purpose old items and make room for new treasures. {we need to do this more often.}
:: I've gone through piles, piles, and more piles of mail and lists. {I need to find one place for all my lists!}
:: I've been baking banana breads. bought a huge bag of bananas at the market for .99 and knew they would be perfect for lisa's recipe. that .99 bag of bananas went a long way- into 16 mini loaves of bread. {we've already blessed 5 others with loaves, and have tucked the rest away in the freezer for when we need just the right treat.}
:: pmr and I started a new study- The Love Dare. {the daily dares have been fun!}
:: I volunteered my time at school doing the estimation station. {love using that spiritual gift-helps!}
:: I've been knitting; just no models to take pictures of during day light. {one hat done and fingerless for boys}
:: I started the 365 project- day by day in 2009. I will be taking a photo a day and sharing it out on flickr, then scrapbooking the day in my new 365 project kit from becky higgins. {inspired by leslie, erin, and becky. it's been a fun start to 2009 using photos.}
:: I've been balancing checkbooks, paying bills, and using my favorite thin markers-flairs.
:: I've been planning for 2009. {more on this in future posts}
:: so, I guess this week my daily routine was the inspiration. {that will have to be enough.}
:: have a wonderful weekend friends!
:: and since I don't like to post without pictures, here are a couple from my week:


stitching under oaks said...

you've been busy girl...enjoy that banana bread with your snowfall this weekend. see you did have a lot to share!

Tom said...

I've been waiting on your inspiration ! It was worth the wait ! Although I don't comment on each entry, you have to know that I eagerly await each and every one. Uncle Tom

Anonymous said...

your voice is my inspiration. never forget the value, and your value in the simplest of thoughts or words. love the 365 too!

a friend to knit with said...

not only do i like to see what you have to see, but what your husband has to say, too. :)

enjoy your 365. it is a fabulous project. just remember not to put pressure on yourself to get the "perfect" photo. just capturing a brief moment of your what it is all about.