Thursday, May 22, 2008


we went to mc donald's for lunch today. a special treat for cer doing a good job "trying" to obey mommy, although he's still not allowed to go shopping. before we ate, we stopped at the library to check out Last Minute Knitted Gifts and simple knits for cherished babies, so mom would enjoy the play time as well as connor.

as I paused between books, I noticed three out of four people around me were either on or using (playing games or texting) their cell phones. one mother/daughter set were sitting together but both involved in separate conversations on their respective phones. I overheard one mother tell her young son to "go play" so she could finish a text. when did we become a society too busy to "be" with people in front of us? when did the next activity or the next phone call become of higher importance than the one we're already in?

Jesus knew how to "be" in the moment. He didn't hurry, rush, or wish away time. He didn't run to the next activity (remember Mary and Martha? their brother Lazarus was in the tomb four days before Jesus came and resurrected him- John 11). I'm more aware now more than ever that I need to stop rushing. mark and I are already very protective of our children's schedules- now I need to take control of my own. just because I CAN do something, does that mean I SHOULD do it? I'm beginning to believe the answer is- no.
in his new nooma episode: shells, Rob Bell asks the question "what is your one thing?" his thought is this- if you're holding onto a handful of insignificant shells, how will you grab or take hold of the starfish you desire when it comes along?

what's your "one thing?" will you sacrifice the one significant for the insignificant many?


Anonymous said...

I recognize those shells...they're from our trip to Fort Myers! I can't believe it!!! Great insight girl...preach on!
love you! lisaq

firstinitialp said...

blog on with your bad self! it was a gift when you called me in the middle of the day, excited to share the words of this entry. and the picture and imagery of your hand written notes on the mc donald's napkin are priceless. i live each day the lesson of how it is possible to love someone completely, overflowing to the point where it displaces everything else. but then the sun sets and rises and the only explanation for how much more i love you that day is that the cup must have gotten bigger while i was sleeping. ... mark

firstinitialp said...

blog on with your bad self! it was a gift when you called me in the middle of the day, excited to share the words of this entry. and the picture and imagery of your hand written notes on the mc donald's napkin are priceless. i live each day the lesson of how it is possible to love someone completely, overflowing to the point where it displaces everything else. but then the sun sets and rises and the only explanation for how much more i love you that day is that the cup must have gotten bigger while i was sleeping. ... mark